[한국생체재료학회지] 제 15권 1호 17-21

  • 작성자

  • 작성일자

    2011-03-07 09:54
  • 조회수

To enhance biocompatibility of neural electrode, residual solvent in the neural electrode was reduced by solvent extraction and ultra-sonication processes. The solvent-extracted polyimide (PI) films are subcutaneously implanted in the mouse. The biocompatibility of the PI film was analyzed using the cytotoxicity, RT-PCR, and H & E staining. The solvent-extracted PI film shows better short term biocompatible characteristics over control and non-treated PI film. This solvent reduction method can be used to increase the biocompatibility of neural electrode. Key words : neural electrode, polyimide, biocompatibility, nerve regeneration
[ 논문 다운로드]