[한국생체재료학회지] 제 15권 1호 12-16

  • 작성자

  • 작성일자

    2011-03-07 09:52
  • 조회수

A biosensor is an analytical device which converts a biological response into an electrical signal. Recently, conducting polymers have received great attention in the development of biosensors. Conducting polymer is emerging materials with potential for biosensors because of their chemical sensitivity and biocompatibility. The conducting polymers are known to endow with abundance special features, which allow them to act as superior materials for immobilization of biomolecules and rapid response time for the fabrication of efficient biosensors. Conducting polymer, such as films, nanowires, as sensing platforms for application are also summarized in electrochemical and field effect transistor (FET) biosensor. Key words: Biosensor, Conducting polymer, Electrochemical biosensor, FET biosensor
[ 논문 다운로드]